Bend, Blend, Break
- Take ideas from one place and apply it to another place in a completely different context.
- Keep adding, repurposing, changing, reforming, the existing idea untill its kinda perfect. Something is never perfect NEVER.
Don’t force creativity. Don’t consciously think that your being creative, you’re using brain power when your doing that and also distracting your brain from the actual task of being creative. Instead just….. Just dance on the blank canvas that is the world. The whole world is just a collection of things and most of it are messed up needs improvements and needs redesigning. Nothing is out of bounds when thinking creatively. You just need to break away from the conventional thought process. When you have successfully untangled yourself from the ropes that we call convention you can truly think of new and interesting ideas.
- Don’t think you’re working instead just think freely like your playing this is not work. Work is for losers. We play we have fun because what they call as work we call that play. Thats why most of the creative people in the world think to play.